What is this?
Founded on March 1st, 2025, Multiverse Adventure Camps is a business providing themed events that contain both educational and entertaining elements. These events are held in Virginia, USA, with themes ranging from Medieval and Fantasy, to Sci-Fi and Dystopian.
Most of these events are intended for adults, though older teens may attend adult events when accompanied by an adult.
We also have separate one-day events planned for kids 8-12 and teens.
Each of these experiences are intended to immerse a small group of people into another world, as a break from reality and as an educational experience.
Is this a LARP experience with learning elements?
Or a learning experience with LARP elements?
Join us for an event and decide for yourself.
Where is this?
At present, all of the events are being held at private property just a little south of Northern Virginia. This is a woodland property with trails, camping areas, and a few small structures. Directions are emailed upon registration for an event.
Who’s Running This?
You may know Tim “Mac” MacWelch from more than a dozen books he has written on outdoor skills and self-reliance, three of these being New York Times Bestsellers. If you have a survival library, there’s a sporting chance you already have a MacWelch book or two. September of 2025 will be the 30th anniversary of Mac teaching survival skills to the public, and most recently, he is the director and head instructor of Advanced Survival Training. If you’re the kind of person who absolutely does not want to “dress up in a costume” - check out Advanced Survival Training to see if that’s a better fit for you.
Being a somewhat famous voice in the survival community is part of Mac’s backstory, but it’s not the only part. Mac has been in love with Renn Faires since he first went as a teen, as well as being involved in Early American living history. He has also been an NPC for Weekend Warrior Experience, War of the Barons, and Reckoning. The first attempt to bridge the worlds of outdoor skills, history, and larping were some ranger themed camps that Mac offered in 2020. These didn’t quite reach the right audience. One fellow did NOT read the description very well, and showed up expecting an Army Ranger program offered by a survival school. What he found was a bunch of nerds in the woods dressed up as fantasy rangers (but he was a great sport about it, enjoying himself despite the confusion).
OUR PartnershipS
We are extremely proud to have partnered with Fell & Fair!
2024 was the third year that event operator/instructor Tim “Mac” MacWelch partnered with Fell & Fair/ White Horse Productions to provide training opportunities within their larger events.
In October of 2024, Mac taught an herbalist and wild medicine program at Weekend Warrior Experience.
In February of 2024, he offered a medieval cooking program at War of the Barons.
In 2023 and 2022, he offered wilderness survival and campfire cooking programs for Weekend Warrior Experience and Training Grounds events.
Will your organization be a partner?
Reach out to us concerning collaborations.
Founder and head instructor - Tim “Mac” MacWelch
(preparing a soup from wild edible plants during a foraging class)